Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


Islamic New Year is celebrated every 1st of Muharram, which is marked with hijrahnya Prophet Muhammad from Mecca, the Quraysh who inhabited much to the city of Medina. The Quraysh in the city of Mecca at that time very much against the teachings brought by Prophet Muhammad is Islam. Strong opposition by the Quraysh, who tend to use violence to make the Prophet Muhammad made the decision to hijarah to the city of Medina where the people of Madinah is more tolerant of the presence of the Prophet Muhammad and the teachings of Islam. In the city of Medina is Islam and the Prophet did syiar developing rapidly with (which later became the center of Madinah Islamic activities in Arab lands).

n this new year, we always strive to be the obedient servant of Allah will command, by running away from all obligations and all its ban. And is not God Almighty has said that Man is the servant Who Has Duty To Worshipping. we as a devout Muslim, introspect ourselves with all what we have done.
And choose all forms of good deeds to keep us maintain and increase our share of good deeds we do. And meninggalakan all acts that are not useful, either for ourselves or those around us. Even if ditahun-years ago we still often perform a variety of shortcomings, then let us pursue the deficiencies that the spirit of improving ourselves to perfection, whether in worship, work, social, and creative.

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